Real Name:
Celestine Ukwu
Music Genre:
Record Label:
Rogers All Stars
Date of birth:
Celestine Ukwu
- Background
- Break
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Celestine Ukwu (1940 – May 7, 1977) was a prolific and outstanding composer and performer of Igbo highlife music during the 60s and 70s era best known for his hit songs "Ije Enu", "Igede" and "Money Palava".
Celestine Ukwu was born in 1940 in Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria. He was an Igbo highlife musician born to music-oriented parents. His father was a local performer of the Ikpa, Igede and Ode genres of Igbo music, while his mother was a lead singer in a women’s musical group. His grandmother was equally a folk musician and dancer.
At a young age, with the help of his uncle, he learned how to read music and play the harmonium and after his primary education, he went on to the Teacher Training College but later dropped out in order to pursue a career in music. He started out with Mike Ejeagha’s group in Enugu in the year 1962 and later joined Mr. Picolo’s band in touring the Democratic Republic of Congo. He later returned after four years to form his own band called ‘Celestine Ukwu and The Music Royals’ in 1966, before the Nigerian Civil War broke out in 1967. After the civil war, his band re-emerged with a new name, ‘Celestine Ukwu and His Philosophers National’ in 1970, distinguishing themselves with a relaxed and sensuous form of highlife such as the ‘Igede Fantasia’, which was released in 1970 and is recorded to have done well commercially. Guitarist and vocalist Ukwu was on the verge of national breakthrough (with his band the Music Royals) when the Nigerian civil war brought touring and recording to a virtual standstill. He re-emerged in 1970 with Philosopher's Stone, playing a relaxed and sensuous form of highlife which, incongruously but effectively, used pedal steel guitar in its arrangements (a novelty later adopted by fellow Nigerian and juju star King Sunny Ade). His biggest hit was the single ‘Money Palaver’ in 1976, from Igede Fantasia. Ukwu’s untimely death later that year ensured that his potential was never fully realized. After Ukwu's death in 1977, the group continued for two years as the Celestine Ukwu Memorial Dance Band, led by vocalist 'Buzuzu' Mogbo. His songs were mainly composed in the Igbo language with a blend of Efik language.
Ukwu died in an automobile accident on May 8, 1977. He was aged 37. Celestine Ukwu released a lot of albums in his short career. One of them was Ejim Nk’onye.
His big break came with the release of his album, Igede Fantasia in 1976.
Did you know that according to his guitarist, Emma Ikediashi, Celestine Ukwu did not indulge himself in smoking and drinking?
Igede Fantasia
Released in 1976
Produced by Polygram
Title Album Onwu Bu Ugwo Igede